Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Visting the Casade National Park

A beautiful drive today through the Cascade mountains

All along our drive, we were beside the Scagit River.
I asked one of the park rangers why does this river have such an odd color - a blue aqua color.
She told me it was because it originates near the glaciers
and when the glaciers rub together it creates glacial dust which
gives the water its blue color.
This river is the spanning ground for all kinds of salmon.
BTW - this river is 150 miles long and empties
into Pugent Sound (the ocean)

Look closely - their is a black bear on the bank

There are (3) dams on this river each with a lake behind.
The highest river is 26 miles long and runs into Canada.

There are waterfalls all along the highway

I was happy to stop for ice cream at Cascadia Farms.
  I buy their frozen organic fruit for my smoothies.

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