Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Day 15 - 3rd day of exploring Yellowstone

This was going to be a short sight-seeing day but we ended up at the park for about 8 hours.
Just when you think you have seen it all.....

This was Midway Geyser

The ground around the geysers is amazing also

This is what it supposed to look like but we had such a cold night, it was so steamy we couldn't get good pictures.

A lily pond at the top of the mountain

This is Yellowstone Lake
A beautiful body of water

These thermal features are right beside the lake

And in the lake

Legend says that the early inhabitants would catch their fish
 and cook it in these boiling pots.

Three male elk just enjoying the afternoon sun.

And then an animal jam!  A herd of Bison/Buffalo

What a beautiful place for a Bison to graze!

Then a male and his lady friend came down the center of the road
He was none too happy about his admirers!

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