Saturday, September 28, 2019

September 27 & 28 - To Salem to visit Judy and fam

A two night stay in Salem to visit my sister, Cindy, Curtis, Christopher and the birds.

Lunch at a deli downtown Salem
We couldn't pass up "Sal's Deli"

A visit to Cindy's

(6) birds

This is Christopher's bird - Rupert

This is Cindy's dads painting

Dinner with my sister

Lunch on Saturday with Judy

Judy's visit to our little house

Dinner with the family - Curtis had to work

Friday, September 27, 2019

September 26 - on the road again and a visit with Richard & Rainy

Our visit to Chimacum has come to an end.  
We start the long journey home today.

Some last minute pictures of our RV resort

Beautiful day for traveling

Over the Hood Canal Bridge

More rivers

A visit to Camus, WA to visit Richard and Rainy

Such a beautiful yard!

And the view is spectacular!

I love these two so much!!

Richard's amazing art!

This was a home in the neighborhood with the beautiful fall colors

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

September 25 - one final visit to Whidbey Island and dinner with the kids

On final ferry ride over to Whidbey Island to explore and
 then meet Danielle & Russ and the doggies for dinner.

We have been over on the ferry numerous times but
we always go north.  This time we went south to explore
that part of the island.

Dinner in Oak Harbor